My 100lb Shoe Cuddler

25 Jul

Ah, Saturdays.

There’s something about Saturday mornings that I absolutely love. I typically wake up between nine and ten, to a our spoiled rotten Golden Retriever, Cosmo, poking me with his cold, wet nose. He’s figured out that he has a far better chance of getting me to take him out on weekend mornings, as his daddy tends to roll over and ignore him. He chooses wisely.

Cosmo is always in such a chipper mood on Saturday mornings. If he could do cartwheels, that’s what he would’ve been doing this morning when I asked him if he wanted to go potty and get some breakfast. It’s hard to be grumpy when he’s so enthusiastic.

Oh, and he snuggles with shoes:

In other news, I’m currently speed-reading The Book Thief for Monday’s book club meeting with my Jacksonville ladies: Kate, Sarah, Jen, Liz, Jodi, and whomever else decides to show up! I’m about 100 pages into it, and so far I like it. I’m debating taking my reading session poolside.

I plan on getting some strength training and a little cardio this afternoon. I’ll probably either bike or spend some quality time on the elliptical. The Hubs desperately needs new shoes, so we’ll probably go to Sports Authority this afternoon. I found a coupon on their website for $25 off a $100 purchase! Woo hoo!

Sometime this weekend, I need to make some Espresso Crinkles to take to my mom’s. I also need to pack for my trip to Jacksonville to help my mom paint her new house. Exciting stuff, huh?

And lastly, I want to get in a good 4-5 miles on the treadmill tomorrow. We’ll see if it happens. I ran 3 last night. It was a struggle. I definitely needed to eat more beforehand. I hate running when I haven’t eaten enough! It’s awful.

2 Responses to “My 100lb Shoe Cuddler”

  1. skinnysweetpea July 25, 2009 at 5:56 pm #

    Awww… I wanna snuggle with your dog!

    And while I'm here, I forgot to post the other day about your weigh-in this week.. CONGRATS!!!

  2. Meredith July 25, 2009 at 9:00 pm #

    Your dog is so cute! It's amazing how their sweet faces can change your attitude.

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