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101 in 1001

17 Jul

I started a 101 Things in 1001 Days blog.

Here’s the link:

Does TGIF Apply if You’re Unemployed?

17 Jul

First things first, I’m going to start weighing in every Friday from now on.

So today, I weighed in at: 135.8

Woo hoo! Being sick has its advantages. Since I’ve only been eating sparingly, hopefully I can keep off some of that lost weight.

Yesterday, I was fired from my job. I’ve been unhappy in my position for awhile and getting cut back to part-time three weeks ago didn’t help. The company has been struggling economically, and they were definitely looking to get rid of me and another co-worker. Yesterday was my turn. Although it puts us in quite a financial pinch, its still a relief to be out of there.

Needless to say, I’m still sick. The body aches are gone, but I have a really sore throat. I just want to feel better because I miss running. I have a lot of steam to blow off. I want to run!