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Social Statements of the Morning

15 Oct

This is completely unrelated to running, the wedding or anything else in which I usually discuss in this blog. Today I woke up very bitter and cynical, therefore I’ll be taking it out on everyone else via my social statements…

Statement 1: Casey Anthony Deserves to Fry.
Yes, you heard me. Any person who could do that to their child deserves to fry. And yes, I know that one is innocent until proven guilty, but that girl is a sociopath.

Statement 2: Joe Six-Pack has an IQ of 6.
Along with Sarah Palin. I believe if someone is in the Presidential or Vice Presidential seat, he/she should be smarter than I. I also believe that I am smarter than Sarah Palin. Do the simple math.

Statement 3: Jon & Kate Plus 8 makes me want to sew my vagina shut.
I’ve said it once before, and I’ll say it again: that show makes me seriously reconsider procreation. TOO MANY. Humans were not meant to give birth to litters.

Statement 4: The Spears Family needs their vaginas sewn shut.
First Britney, now Jamie Lynn.. Ladies, it’s called contraceptives. Try them.

Statement 5: The Hills lowers my IQ every time I watch it.
Therefore, if I keep watching, I will soon be Joe Six-Pack… But seriously, Heidi.. GROW A PAIR! Spencer is a condescending, fame-whore. And Spencer, if the only coat tails you manage to hang on to are Heidi’s, then you aren’t a very good fame-whore after all.