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Weenie Prayers

8 Mar

I’m having a really sad day so far. Hubby texted me this morning to tell me that our doxie, Kayne, had another seizure this morning. If you remember, about a month ago, Kayne had his first seizure in the middle of the night, scaring us half to death. We’ve been told by our vet there’s nothing they can do until he’s having cluster seizures or has 3 within 6 weeks.

Kayne would really appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

Last night, we ate some homemade soup and watched The Hangover:

The soup was just what I needed for my rapidly developing sore throat. I cannot get sick this week. I cannot get sick this week. I cannot get sick this week. Who knows? Maybe my mantra will work!

For breakfast, I had oatmeal and crack (a.k.a. almond butter with honey):

And a ginormous Starbucks non-fat misto:

I’m feeling really depressed today. I know its completely and totally my worrying about Kayne, but I can’t help it. I’m one of those people that loves my pets as if they were my children, and Kayne is definitely about as spoiled as they come. And I know I’ll feel better as soon as I can see him and hug him. I’m just a mama worried about her baby. *sigh*

Somewhat Better

13 Sep

Last night Bran and I spent the evening watching college football and eating Vegetarian Hamburger Helper. Sounds like a contradiction, right? Well, whenever we need a cheap, no-fuss meal, a box of Hamburger Helper and a bag of Morningstar Farms or Boca Soy crumbles is on our list. Last night was Cheesy Hashbrowns. It really wasn’t that good, but what can you do? And its a little high in sodium, so I’m a little bloated today. Yuck.

I was really nervous about the FSU game for, well, most of it. I couldn’t believe we were losing to Jacksonville State. But, I prayed to the football gods, and reminded them that I’ve been a very patient and devoted fan. Thankfully, prayers were heard and we pulled it together the last few minutes of the 4th quarter. It’s funny because growing up, I HATED football. Then somewhere in college, I decided I loved football. I think tailgating had something to do with it.

This morning, I woke up still feeling crummy. I’ve decided to scrap my long run this weekend in an effort to feel better. I still have plenty of time to train for this half marathon. So, I got up, took some more cold medicine and made myself a cup of my favorite oatmeal:

  • 1/4 c. oats
  • 1 tbsp almond butter
  • 1 splenda/truvia
  • 1/4 c. water

Yum! My favorite!

Since I’ve been back in Melbourne, my doxie, Kayne, has been attached to my hip (or stomach, or shoulder, or whatever he can attach himself to).

He’s such a baby!

That’s all for now. I’ll be driving back to Jacksonville this afternoon. I may go hop on the treadmill for a short run. We’ll see.

Living On Green Tea

12 Sep

I woke up in the middle of the night last night and thought, “Oh shit”. My throat was so sore that it was painful to swallow. This can’t be happening. I’m in the midst of training. I don’t have time to get sick! My body says otherwise.

So I’m giving in today: drinking green tea, downing airborne, popping Tylenol, eating soup, and curling up with a book. I was planning on running 7 miles tonight, but I think I’ll push it off until tomorrow.

Til then, bottoms up!