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No Good, Very Bad Week

1 Apr

Ever have one of those weeks where it just seems like everything sucks?

That’s the kind of week I’ve had.  Clients at work have been crazy.  My workouts have sucked.  I’ve felt zero motivation to write.  I’ve just been tired and cranky.  Would I like some cheese with that wine?  Of course 😉

So how did I start my day today?  By spilling coffee all over myself of course.  Ugh.  (Did I mention I really liked my outfit today?  Big.  Fat.  Boo.)

Thankfully, it was not an omen for the rest of my day. I had a tasty lunch of grilled chicken breast strips, barley, snow peas, carrots and a light olive oil sauce:

I’ve been fighting running boredom a lot lately.  I absolutely hate out-and-backs, and that’s about all there is to run in this neighborhood.  I just needed to run something different.  My boredom inspired me to be a rebel:  I ran on the cart paths along the golf course instead tonight.  It actually has some little rolling hills and the change was refreshing.  Unfortunately, its against the Country Club’s rules, and we’re probably going to get a nasty letter in the mail regarding my rule-breaking.

Regardless of my indiscretion, I had a pretty good run.  Not super-duper fast, but a definite improvement from what I’ve been running lately (even though it was nearly EIGHTY DEGREES when I ran!!!!!):

  1. 11:51
  2. 11:44
  3. 11:09

Total: 3.0 in 34:43

Not too shabby.

For dinner, Hubby and I had some Morningstar Farms “burgers” on mini pitas and frozen vegetables:

And now?  I want Jell-O.
