Archive | 9:18 pm

Red Velvet Cake Ball Day!

19 Dec

Today was the day: Red Velvet Cake Ball day.

It’s my new tradition to spend the Saturday before Christmas making red velvet cake balls. It was a long process that took several hours and seriously wore me out.

The batteries in my camera are dead as a doornail, so no pictures today. Sad, I know.

Pulled pork for dinner, then a nice little ab workout:

  • 50 crunches on the ball
  • 50 twist crunches
  • 25 reverse crunches
  • 50 bicycle crunches

I actually have a lot to say, but I am so tired. I might actually fall asleep on my keyboard. So, its just going to have to wait til after my morning run tomorrow. I actually have some exciting news. I know, I know. You’re all waiting with bated breath.

G’night y’all!