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Taco Hell

17 Dec

For some bizarre, unknown reason, I decided Taco Bell sounded absolutely amazing for dinner:

Why did I think that crappy mexican food a mere two days after having a viral stomach bug was a good idea? I have absolutely no idea. I’m not always the brightest crayon in the box. And the really weird thing? I normally don’t even like Taco Bell! There’s this amazing place in Tulsa, Oklahoma that called Taco Bueno, and I kindly describe it to the hubs as, “Like Taco Bell, but good!” Every time I go visit my family in Tulsa, we eat at Taco Bueno about a million times.

Anyways, I did manage to find Kayne a new sweater at WalMart:

Excuse his demonic eyes. They’re always like that in photos. I want to try to get him and Cosmo posed in front of the Christmas tree tonight. Wish me luck!

Highlights Make This Girl Happy

17 Dec

As promised yesterday, my awesome new highlights:

I tried a new stylist this time, and I’m really pleased with the results. I’m sad though because she’s moving to Atlanta at the end of the month! Why does that always happen? Whenever I find a stylist I really like, she ends up moving (or I end up moving, as with my last stylist)! Oh, and I’m also rockin’ my new Dior Show mascara. It is an awesome product. My lashes are super long and thick without that weird spider-y effect. Two very enthusiastic thumbs up!

I’m finally eating somewhat normally today. I feel so much better now that I can get a normal meal in me. This morning, it was key lime pie yogurt and granola:

For for lunch, I had the yummiest soup ever!

Campbell’s Select Harvest Beef and Barley soup. YUM! It was really hearty and perfect on a cold(er) and dreary day like today. I plan on picking up some more of it on the way home tonight.

Speaking of on the way home tonight… Although I absolutely abhor WalMart, I’m headed there after work. Why would I go there when there’s a Target across the street? Oh, because WalMart has some ADORABLE doggie sweaters for $5. My little Kayne gets rather cold on these chilly days as he has hardly any hair on his little chest. Now, I’m a good mommy and I can’t have my weenie baby getting cold. Plus, I really want a picture of the dogs in Christmas sweaters. I’m a nerd, what can I say? 😉

Other stuff on my list includes:

  • Campbell’s Soup
  • Crushed pineapple
  • frozen veggies
  • Revlon colorstay foundation

Thankfully, I’m almost done with Christmas shopping. I have one more gift left to buy, and I can purchase it online and print it out! I’m thrilled that I won’t have to go shopping anywhere during Christmas Week. I’m not a big fan of large crowds of people frantically racing around stores. It frustrates me, and its a huge Holiday Pet Peeve of mine. Call me a Grinch, but I hate it.

What’s your Holiday Pet Peeve?