Corn Chowda’

27 Oct

Good morning! There’s no better way to start the day than with a delicious breakfast:

Chopped Fuji apple, fat free vanillla yogurt & Multi-grain Cheerios. I also had a large coffee with some Aria chocolate protein powder mixed in. I’ve really begun to like adding protein powder to my coffee. Now I can get my day going. It’s going to be a busy one because we’re a little short-staffed today.

Last night, I decided to listen to my body’s exhausted cries and just relax. I went to the grocery store and made some rice krispy treats.

I may or may not have eaten more than one… They were just so delicious! I completely and utterly lack self-control.

Later, I watched The Proposal. The movie was really cute, although completely and utterly predictable. I’m a sucker for Ryan Reynolds, so I liked it. If you’re looking for a light-hearted romantic comedy, its a good bet. There were quite a few laughs throughout.

Dinner was my mom’s corn chowder and wasa crisps:

I love Wasas, but those were stale and tasted like cardboard 😦 I promptly threw them in the trash.

I can hardly believe October is almost over! Today at lunch, I’m going to 1st Place Sports to sign up for my half-marathon. Ahh! I think actually signing up for the race and paying the fee will force me to finish the training. I could use a kick in the pants at this point. Training gets very wearing at times. Only a month left!

Although its muggy and icky outside today, I’m trying to remain optimistic about running this evening. I really need to get a gym membership again so on days like this I can sweat it out on the treadmill instead. I just do not perform well in high-humidity. I am not a fan of torture.

Have a terrific Tuesday!

3 Responses to “Corn Chowda’”

  1. Ashley October 27, 2009 at 5:32 pm #

    The Proposal should be waiting in my mailbox when I get home today. Woot!

    And now I want Rice Krispy treats.

  2. mrsdevonk October 27, 2009 at 6:10 pm #

    Rice Krispy treats are the best, so of course you want them 🙂

  3. Balance for Mere October 27, 2009 at 11:21 pm #

    Those treats look great!

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