
10 Mar

I have a horrendous headache this morning. I blame the weather. One week, its in the 50s, then next, the 80s. My sinuses can’t take it anymore.

On a positive note, I’m sticking at 135.8. Hopefully by the weekend I can hit 134. Then the next weekend IM GETTING MARRIED!!!

Sorry. Couldn’t help myself.

One Response to “Headachhhhheeee”

  1. Growing Up Cameron March 13, 2009 at 2:41 am #

    Thank for leaving a comment. 🙂 How funny that my son has so much in common w/someone he’s never met! Maybe one day their paths will cross.Congrats on your engagement! I can’t wait to see wedding pics (yes I will continue to stalk err view your page). 🙂

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