I’m tired, cranky and I have cramps.

25 Nov

I finally have time to update! I feel like I haven’t written in here in forever. The Outback 6k is 2 days away, and I can confidently say I’m ready for it.

This weekend I managed to get in a few good workouts:
Saturday we did HIIT training on the treadmill then circuit training.
Sunday I ran 3.5 miles. It was a rough one considering I had serious cramps. I didn’t hit a groove until about 2 miles in. Other than that, it was decent. When I hit the “finish line” I nearly fell down I was so happy to be done.

We’ll see how Thursday goes!

One Response to “I’m tired, cranky and I have cramps.”

  1. Amber November 28, 2008 at 1:15 am #

    I can’t wait till I can run this amount without dying! Congrats and keep up the work! It’s fun being short huh? lol

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